Thursday, May 21, 2009


this is a blog. an attempt to stop the madness from crawling under your skin and living. forever. the poetry movement is maddening. the hbo special for youth poetry nationals. then the poetry slam @ the white house. it is ever changing and moving. one might forget the struggle is still alive and present. with the idea of michelle and barack clapping enthusitically for spoken word - you might ignore the promoter's that refuse to pay poets, though they have a door charge. or the non-profits selling poetry workshops for million dollar funding but neglecting their teaching artists by offering less than minimum wage.

the wheels are turning, but no one is holding on to the handlebars. that would mean we are responsible for our actions. so everyone mills around as if we are paying attention to the little details, like smiles and breath and life. human life. yet, we are worried about our 401K's and if we are PC in this "post racial" econonmy. but this is only a blog. an attempt to stop the madness from crawling under your skin and festering.

maybe now i'll be able to write a poem. i have shows to prepare for. and a president to uplift with my words.