Saturday, April 30, 2005


received my order of an original pressing of Sylvia Plath's BELL JAR.

also got my bday gift to myself in the mail: a japanese kimono! :)

im too ready to model this one. as soon as the damn ankle is walkable. i've tried to walk with one crutch. no pain. not til i sit down anyway. j dont like it though. gives me the disapproving look that translates to: sit YO AZZ down. so i do.

"but when he ain't looking. i b walking again." (name dat movie!)

we have a salon to attend today. its like a gathering of the artistic minds. a lot of eats, drink and conversations with new york's most elite literary group. louderarts *my nat'l slam alma mater* is hosting this one at lynn's house. where i am scheduled to fry up some fish (catfish to be exact) for the evening. tell you about the results later.


ps - animal planet update: they rescued over 200 cats outta this man's house. the most in detroit humane society history!

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