Thursday, December 09, 2004

i believe, dammit!

ok, this is why i love my web fam... ya'll stick with me while i stomp on my soap box and hit me on the email with the truth... look -- i still believe in love L. i am in love, deeply. life is always tumtulous but i am blessed. i know this. so no, i haven't given up on it. i still write about it -- but when you are fueled to "right the wrong" you gotta write that bytch! right?
(a poetic quickie, i'm sorry)
... anyway. enjoy the lighter side of life. enjoy your loved ones and as long as these cats don't piss me off -- i will continue to scribe for the love of it...


We shared cold beers
And flirtatious eyes

“I could build a kingdom around your smile”
He gushes
This is why I’m afraid of male poets
Never sure if they are genuine
Or just working on new lines

He grins
Tips the beer by its neck
To full lips and teases me

I’m aware of this
Tension splitting between my shoulders
Sitting underneath my spine
And settling in my lap
And ideas intoxicate me faster than the
I act unmoved

We flow into easier conversation
“Single he asks?”
My lap heats up
Candles flicker knowingly
I ignore him
Licking froth away from colored glass
As if it were him

I touch shadows with tongue
To cheek
Our eyes meet
Our hands brush
No accident
He holds my fingers
Searching my palms for the answer
Locating the truth by swirling
His thick brown
Around my ring finger
My heart sighs the answer
He smiles
Electric waves floating
Past our ears
And eyes
And playing with body parts
We sit
As if nothing ever transpired


Mahogany L. Browne said...

this is definitely a piece of storytelling -- i wish my life was as interesting in the love/freak area rather than drama sector... needless to say the latter keeps me sour...

Mahogany L. Browne said...
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Susie said...

I just love this part:
"This is why I’m afraid of male poets
Never sure if they are genuine
Or just working on new lines"

I've been afraid of the same :)

Mahogany L. Browne said...

hey susie...

this seems to be the common theme in a recent survey i've taken from women in poetry (audience and poets)... and i think the worse thing about it is -- you want it to be true SOOOO bad! i have actually watched women cry in bathrooms about male poets, whining between sniffles "he won't even talk to me!"

if these men of the mighty pen only knew the magnitude of their words...