Saturday, May 13, 2006

nuyorican grand slam champ is..............

not me...
archie the messenger took it. and he worked his ass off for it. i love that he has a great attitude. very nice, indeed. and last nite. there was nothing i could say. i mean, really.

however, my new friend archie - could have farted the dictionary and got a 10 on effort and originality! slam be like that, never a given...

roger once told me something in the airport lounge. its beyond his sexually deviancy (lol)... he told me, as long as you LEAVE YOUR HEART on stage that's all i ask for!

and last night. that's what i fukn did. so...least, im not bitter.

it could be worse


Unknown said...

Mo you are the mahnnssssssss!!!!

joey said...

sorry u madly

my coffee is always said...

feeling for you... missing ya.. will see you in August...
live miK