Tuesday, May 03, 2005

for my girls headed to college: aja, sasha & hollise 1st Draft

Because it will always be worth it
the struggle hurt & sweat
will make sense, soon enough
You are of warrior silk
Beautiful and brilliant
You are sun smiling through young eyes
a disguise -- your soul has been here before
weather the cold days and new york nights
prepare for the after life
filled with collegiate theories and memories
of words
fallen from revolutionary lips generation -- now
reflective of life
and you will love it
like we love you
the mothers of baby girl’s
birthed with obligation on tongue
and firey spirit
we’ve filled your bellies with
wisdom and strength
nursed dreams of leadership through breast feeding
twisted ideas of an uprising into your curls
pinched cheeks and planted smiles in soil
seeming unfertile
this is your time to build bridges of trust
like grapevines and giants
be bigger than our mistakes
wipe sweat, blood and uncertainty from your brow
know our smiles exist because of you


Anonymous said...

Omgosh! That was beautiful! Ok just because of that, I vow to get over my writers block and write some shhh... down. I luv you Mo' You are THE best

Mahogany L. Browne said...

waiting for the hot ish MA! i know you got it in dat pen!
