Monday, February 28, 2005

damn dat...

i watched spike lee's movie - she hate me. i think that was such a bunch of bullshit.
it was a film about a man who did the right thing and blew the whistle on his bullshit company
(enter enron or worldcom) and in turn they freeze his account and basically blame him for everything. to get by
homeboy impregnates about 18 lesbians so that they can have a family without the rigamorow of same sex adoption, sperm bank failures, etc... in the end, he somehow convinces his ex girlfriend turned lesbian and her partner to let them have a threesome while raising their two sons... no doubt this picture was created by fukn spike lee.
sometimes it burns my spirit -- folks yelled at halle about letting billy bob hit it in monster's ball -- but i ain't hear nothing about the unfair portrayal of lesbians in spike lee's joint! it was like. the fact she chose to be with a woman was strictly based on her interest in the p*ssy -- not her commitement to the person inside her -- the true being that she could no longer ignore.
all she needed was some good d*ck and she would change her mind! i've heard that penis envy crap sooo much it's disgusting!

i dont know why it hurt so much to see it -- i think i was expecting some miraculous moral to pop out at the end and be enamored (like when i watched mo betta or even X). but the ethics part -- was solved and sealed in the beginning when he called the ethics commission. all that ova ish about lesbians needing d*ck -- so much that they had sex with homeboy instead of artificial insemenation (cause it was THAT good!?) was just fukn nuts! and i love men. i am in love with a man. and can't see my life without him. but -- there is such a thing as respecting someones lifestyle. and to diminish someone's choice of happiness as a simple luck of the draw is ridiculous.
and im not even a lesbian!

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