Friday, February 10, 2006


so there's like this fork

in the middle of the road. and i'm sitting there. wondering which way to go. left: i can go to the national poetry slam and represent NYC, again. last year's event was a beautiful experience and not so beautiful experience. but it was an experience nonetheless. something poets and writers need to have atleast once in their lifetime. this year, would be my fourth...

then there is the right of the fork: it is a writer's conference in the Northwest, where I can meet with publisher's and literary agents for possible projects. there is also a summer writer's workshop in Italy that allows me to take my daughter...! these both are annual events, but i have the opportunity for NOW...

i'm stuck.
i'm lost.
i dunno

what's next?

bklyn stumptified


CousinSarah said...

Man Mo. I never ever NEVER want to tell you not to come some where we get to see you. BUT, this is a wonderful opportunity for you! And an awesome experience for your little girl. It could get you closer to doing more things you love and getting paid for them. You never know what could come out of that. The possibilities are really wide open.

That's a tough one.

my coffee is always said...

follow your heart... we will see you in july anyway.... love ya...

Anonymous said...

i hate to say it but a lot of poets once they make their mark as you have do other things besides nationals. I would go to the writer's conference and the opportunity to take your daughter to Italy (which will both offer opportunities) as you have already done nationals the last 3 years.

Amanda Johnston said...

Northwest Conference - Italy - Your Daughter - Yourself. I think you know where you need to be right now. Don't be afraid of moving forward. Damn, that's easier to type than do. Look at me...forked and forgetting my purpose. Inspire me, Mo.

Raquita said...

I agree with the majority - go to the writers confrence - Nationals is something that having done it - so many times you have to step out into new territory. And being able to take your daughter would be the point that sold me - she would love it - you would love taking her - its a win win win.

Shelle said...

ahhh decisions, decisions...hands down-- the experience in italy w/ the lil one, w/o question is the answer.