Tuesday, January 03, 2006

different strokes : different folks

ok. so we are having a party... but wait till you see it!
that's all imma say about it right now.

and... the book group is fabulous... or fabolous. where ever your hip hop head would prefer!

poison pen and c-rayz are coming to talk to my kids. which is as beautiful as can be. pen pen is my lil brother. and c-rayz is my crazy CUZn... lol but they have hearts that exceed the perimeters of lyricists... fa real

i have been talking to aja. she is a doll. a young lady with a spirit of a warrior. and she's only 18. she feels my pain only too well. but she will prevail. women like us always do.

missing live mik. i know she's in austin tearing it up. she takes over Neo Souldiers Poetry Set as the new year's host. which is very fitting for this systa indeed.

my girl Christa is here in NY for the first couple of weeks of January. im too excited about that. she is crazy, no doubt. but she's my crazy friend. popcorn and raisnets adding - sushi eating -writer-chick.

relentless has finally picked his date of NY descension. and mannn is the scene ready. TX may have lost a soldier, for now, but NYC has gained a new voice. welcome to bklyn, kid!

we are preparing for my cousin to move to NYC. she will be finishing her degree at FIT. she's a fireball yo, fa real. been looking online for rooming situations -- as you know. bklyn apartments can be the worst!

can't find my cough drops. got ride of most of the flu - but slept on the floor last nite like an ass... don't say it - i know. now im snifling again.

i get to go home in just a couple of hours. i have never been more homesick - or was it just this time last year that i was THIS homesick. no matter. things to do, people to kiss. world takeovers to plan. he is my breath. fa real.

still need to pack one more bag. messed around and went shopping at ikea yesterday. damn sales! i don't know how im going to fit all this in our house. still looking at puppies that i can't have. :( mf doom cancelled his new york concert.

but - i do have roll bounce and the new goapele album. i guess you can't go wrong wit dat

whatchu doing?

1 comment:

Relentless said...

Mo that was a great welcome. Thank you. Can't wait to see ya in brklyn.