Wednesday, December 21, 2005


step up to get beat down!

lil brand nubian for dat ass. all is well in cali-forn-i-a

family is still filled with drama and i haven't even made it to the bay yet. im here at my sis' house who has a way of finaggling the grocery store out of free steaks, her new boyfriend - who i'm just not feelin' and about 7 kids two dogs and my lil brother. yup.

all of us. in a 3 bdrm house.

id type more - but im hot in this room of girls. they are having a battle of the "genders" (as amari calls it) and have seperated themselves for the time being.

good news: i am broke again. but the xmas givings will be plentiful. pictures for the kiddies tomorrow will be the gifts for the grown ups. but more so -- this is a tradition my grandmother set up before she passed. this is my memorial to her. so the lint in my pocket aint that bad.

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