Wednesday, March 23, 2005

lack of originality & other things that piss me off...

ok. let's make this clear. i am a writer. this is my livelihood. i love sharing my work online - even with biters in the wings - i do this. j suggested this years ago, and now that i have tried and become addicted to it. i love it. but let's be clear. these words are here to spark ideas and conversations. not to lace your journal, online diary, blog or new song for your lacking stage performance. not cool. if you want to use a piece, quote a poem - or whatever - remember, permission from the author is required. at all times. originality is just like patience - a virtue.

so keep perusing these pages. i love your comments and emails for those unable to post. it's good to know people are listening and i look forward to sharing with you soon...

myself when i am real,
mahogany l. browne


Amanda Johnston said...

Mo, who biting your blogs? Call 'em out so we can flood their inbox with spam on rye! I posted my poem from the exercise you gave me. Yo, that was some advanced writing for yer ass! Don't sweat the crit. It will make you stronger. I know it's hard for me too, but remember that once you put it out there people will react. Good or bad they will react. Surf on over to my blog and tell me what you think of the poem. Later, Manda

Mahogany L. Browne said...

yea, that 5 by 5 is serious. made me rethink my WHOLE life!
and as far as the biter. imma give her a knuckle sandwhich! damn da spam! lmao

and i love the crits. like i said - they hurt, but they feel so good afterwards! really. imma email you the first poem and send you the rewrite - you tell me the difference.